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Cell phone is the music coming from the north excited

已有 609 次阅读2011-4-27 13:35 |

Cell phone is the music coming from the north excited

Class-step look sober, strai ULV sprayerghtened up and said: "Really? We head to you? I know she likes the high stature, big eyes!"

"Oh, and she let me with you next week boys and girls in the trial."

"Well, you'll have to learn anwelding helmets d I learn."

"You do not narcissistic, and not that reason and wine?"

"How can you think so easy ah? Let not the end of the wine, I'll take that time to teach you. I just did a day activity, tired and mcabinet handle ad, it is a restaurant, dumplings have not come up, let me lie a while, Wait for the past to work. "

"Oh, you have to work, still have to live ah, how to see themselves tired like this?"

"To work, still have to live? Music North, that is what a successful future, and now we have to work, otherwise it can only be mediocre level yung whole life!" Step sleepy class playing tongue volume children, muttering finbeijing escort ished hanging up the phone , lying on the table but also confused with the.

This week the North took part in the Carlsberg beer, music promotions company training, followed by a school like home every day, holdthermal fogger ing information on some fancy. Now finally getting the genuine implementation of training, early evening 7:45, music classes along the north steps of the boys and girls toilets, ready-for-work clothes here. Bathroom is very small, only a small table clothes were. Music classes North to see step leg, took off his pwelding supplies ants one leg, then quickly landed standing foot shoes, standing toe shoes just to keep standing on one leg, followed by another one pulled it with a leg came out. She put pants on the stage, pulled out a skirt from the paper bag, click on the cover inside, then put on shirt, put on coat, put on stockings, landed on the boots.

Music North Qiazhao table, step classes will change clothes with a one and a half.

"Line of your trade." Classes Step said.

"All you have to change it?" Musifogging machine c North eyebrows on the pick, towering high cheekbones, face distorted.

"Of course, you see, from the boots, skirts, shirts, jackets are a sign of Carlsberg, and sent socks, and little different? Less caught as they impose fines."

"That's something I'm leaning on you." A piece of music slowly north off his shirt first, and then the clothes inside the bag Juezhaopigu dig.

"Oh, you you cold ah? You can not be TuoliOptical frame aokuzi, skirt, and then take off his coat ah."

"Yes ah, how do I stupid ah?" Music head north, almost half of the short hair covered more than half of the face.

"Fortunately, in the spring, in winter, you freeze to death this morning for France. In fact, changing clothes in winter annoying, there Qiuku ah, sweater or something. This is nothing down, but the string of shops in winter wearing a skirt again, from the Three Mile Tuen this first go into another one, called the onwelding helmete of helplessness. One time I steal pants to the results of a Hong Kong reporter shot me down, called "The Beijing Sanlitun night" to see people wearing jeans and I Carlsberg shirt walking in the street, the result happened to be in Hong Kong saw the bulk of the newspaper, you said I do not point back back? buckle my fifty dollars yet. However, "step class also saw that the North up to pbeijing massage lay music down, "smell does not stink, ah, go out to say."

"Not allowed to chat at work, today I bring you, you can get a good follow me." Classes exaggerated step back talking about the facial expressions, solemnly up.

Sanlitun lady has a pocket promotion, which placed a small promotional gifts and sales of this, the day of the written sales, which directly linked to income, and that night, other items are on the bar.

Sales lady is divided into two categories, one beer, the other is wine, music belongs to the north and step classes Danish Carlsberg beer brand is, in their Heineken next to the Netherlands, and Goldsmith, Australia Fujitec, Americbeijing massage an Budweiser and Beck, the sun and the Corona Mexico, China, Qingdao and so on. Wine of the two brands are Remy Martin and Hennessy, said they are bitter rivals, infighting.

Carlsberg uniform work clothes made in Honbeijing escort g Kong over the head, bright green suits, skirts above the knee, stand inside a small T-shirt has a simple set of white shirt, his chest bearing the Carlsberg logo. And other companies than their regfogging machine ular work clothes amplified, skirts are also considered one of the longest.

Stood for a moment, then to the guests.

Waiter asked: "You Several ah?"

"Will not count ah?" One of the arrogance arrogant man looks sturdy and roared.

"I'm afraid you for a moment also come, to arrange a suitable place."

"In the four of us and gthermal fogger ive us arrange a convenient place to watch the show."

"No one condemned it in the first row today, that position to see the best performance." Waiter bow bow, wink Road.






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