



分享 front work
fendi123 2011-1-6 09:44
the united front work in every sector of the resources, fully mobilize united front work the enthusiasm of each respect members, correct understanding of united front work in the construction of socialist new countryside, tapping the role of united front work in the construction of socialist new c ...
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分享 force elements
fendi123 2011-1-6 09:42
recipitation down long-term income level, cultural background and life quality aspects difference of perception of level determines the farmer perceive the best city larger city residents perceive the best city scale of degree. When the number of migrant workers migrate to cities over city residen ...
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分享 the pension
fendi123 2011-1-6 09:42
ernment decision-making mechanism formed (CAI etc, 2004). Migrant workers working off-farm, first encounter is employment discrimination or employment right inequality. Migrant workers not only deprived become urban state-owned enterprises and administrative units formal worker's qualification, but ...
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分享 migrant workers
fendi123 2011-1-6 09:41
ut the model is a strong underlying assumptions: namely, to engage in agricultural production the Labour force factor has and land element and capital element fully combines. This point and the actual situation of China does not conform to, for example, DengXi lung research achievements of measure ...
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分享 贵阳这天气...
torans 2011-1-3 15:38
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分享 强力小笑话
最后一片落叶 2011-1-1 22:55
昨晚去KTV找小姐。 美女:请问先生需要什么类型的? 我:研究生的都给我出来! 美女:我就是啊! 我:两个小时,把这摞高数题给我做完,我着急要! 美女:客官请自重,小女子卖身不卖艺……我:滚! 专业学的园林,毕业后到某园林公司实习。几日下来,带我的师傅说我很适合做这个行业, 由于我一向老实,心里窃喜。便傻 ...
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分享 元旦快乐 新年快乐
与生活无关 2011-1-1 11:24
新的一年了 我一定要和去年不一样 加油咯 祥子
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分享 那一年,苍井空还是处女
最后一片落叶 2010-12-30 20:24
那一年,苍井空还是处女 那一年,玛利亚还姓圣母。 那一年,冠希还没有相机。 那一年,李刚还没有儿子。 那一年,凤姐只是个传说, 那一年,我只信佛教不信春哥。 那一年,菊花只是一种花, 那一年,芙蓉也不是咱们姐。 那一年,躲猫猫还不会死人, 那一年,喝奶粉不会有三氯氰胺。 ...
438 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 《非诚勿扰2》,没有“诚”,只有“2”
最后一片落叶 2010-12-29 12:15
1.个人认为,故事讲的好,但是除了台词一如既往的贫的让人发笑外,并无太多的突破。葛优的悼词、孙红雷的辞世语、女儿的诗,可以列为电影甚至是人生的教科书式的哲理。前几天看到别人博客有什么你来你走之类的,我觉得写的真好。没想到原来是台词。 2.中间某一段,我是伤心得扭过头去,根本不忍心再看画面再听声音了。但 ...
447 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 周立波婚礼现场崔永元踢场子,关键是,周立波还得把这口气咽下去,还得把损他的话,呕 ...
最后一片落叶 2010-12-27 15:37
435 次阅读|0 个评论

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