



分享 2010年12月中下旬最给力的暴强状态,肯定是全新的
最后一片落叶 2010-12-26 22:40
1、最近最牛的国际评论——朝鲜:肇事孤儿;韩国:让子弹飞;美国:大笑江湖;中国:非诚勿扰+2 2、《让子弹飞》里头葛大爷对姜大爷说,我还有两件事瞒着你没告诉你。其实就是,丫背着姜文拍了《赵氏孤儿》和《非诚勿扰》!!!!!! 3、圣诞节,含糖量最高的一句话: ...
519 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 太囧了:我就说男生天生不会送礼物
最后一片落叶 2010-12-25 22:19
1。前男友送的一个丑不啦叽的流氓兔…… 居然还是我送了他一条我自己大的围巾之后,我们在逛街的时候他跑去临时买的。 丑死了丑死了……还要违心的说“哇……好可爱哦……” (这个。。。最起码的礼貌嘛 要说的 不说 下次连流氓兔都没了) 2。我朋友的事 她男朋友用旅行箱穿过了大半个北京城给她送了一箱蒙牛… ...
479 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ☑80后 ☑奔3 ☑没房 ☑没车 ☑没钱 ☑没死
torans 2010-12-21 11:13
☑80后 ☑奔3 ☑没房 ☑没车 ☑没钱 ☑没死
781 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 donate for learning
xinshiji 2010-12-21 11:09
donate for learning the maladies of field thought repair, thus can be received fee, accomplish prove to actual effect. According to the research FengErKang sir, qiao of huizhou merchants and yizheng jianchuan yizheng cadastral original HuiZhouRen in qing dynasty yizheng county learn repair proces ...
263 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 education of practical experience
xinshiji 2010-12-21 11:07
education, education of practical experience of communication, or the reflection of their own development takes time. Therefore, without the necessary time guarantee words, the teacher will make it difficult to get development. But, there is only quantification sense of time and investment is not ...
212 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 still need in these
xinshiji 2010-12-21 11:05
justice, still need in these respects efforts. In fact, education justice's goal is not to pursue the economic efficiency, but rather through to justice, the concept of the individual's appeal to finally make body and mind development in an all-round way. Impartiality is essential of have the hear ...
193 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 moral education behavior
xinshiji 2010-12-21 11:01
moral education behavior of self control and moral evaluation ability. In fact, education conscience is able to put an educator shouldering the responsibility of self-consciousness, education is fully realize its education educators potential motivity. Two education conscience three-layer implicat ...
232 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 in continental Europe a
xinshiji 2010-12-21 10:58
in continental Europe a freely convertible unified credits, it may be said to go15. 3. The student financial assistance on the question of the difficulties Studying abroad need extra cost is listed as the primary disorder (affect flow has 61% of non-current students and 41% of flow students choos ...
164 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 In degree type structure
xinshiji 2010-12-21 10:52
name, PhD 382 name, 14 shuofang bobby into 4.2:1, than in 1890 further narrowing. Later on the rise and fall of tuning, at present stable in pairs or so. 2. In degree type structure shows professional degrees strengthen trend American graduate education very pay attention to practical professiona ...
190 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 那些异地恋们
最后一片落叶 2010-12-20 22:18
一定有许多人不同意,毕竟分隔两地,不能照顾依偎着对方,心里的失落总是有的罢。 但是异地恋的人确实是幸福的,比任何人都幸福。 两个人能整天腻在一起,固然很幸福,他们很少会寂寞,但是也很少有绵长的思念。思念本身就是一种最大的幸福,记得自来也大人曾经对名人说,思念你的 ...
462 次阅读|0 个评论

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