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education of practical experience

已有 212 次阅读2010-12-21 11:07 |个人分类:Moncler| Moncler Outlet

education, education of practical experience of communication, or the reflection of their own development takes time. Therefore, without the necessary time guarantee words, the teacher will make it difficult to get development. But, there is only quantification sense of time and investment is not good. This can be seen in traditional teacher education in those concentration in training were confirmed. Moncler In these training, teacher although spent a lot of time, but they gain is not as big as I thought. In the teachers' ingrained in the minds of time is the amount of time. "Time input" almost became a teacher education quality guarantee its the only strategy, and this one strategy is caused by excessive schoolwork burden and heavy burden Moncler Jackets of body and mind. In this single strategy, the teacher's mind before have become simple, the education mode has almost a solid change, how to talk up development? And pay attention to the amount of time instead, strengthen qualitative time consciousness is different. This time consciousness has its special meaning. First, it emphasizes "efficiency" consciousness, which requires less time to Moncler Vest devote to get a big effect, this necessarily flexible and diverse education strategy and the cooperation; Secondly, it emphasized "first efficiency consciousness", namely requirements in the first time to obtain the best education effect, this natural requests the teacher commitment, Third, it emphasizes "effect consciousness", namely spend their time needs to solve in the problem, but is not blind investment, Moncler Coats this natural requires teachers to strengthen pertinence. Clearly understand the development track. For teachers' developing meaningful stuff is not education activities in those conventional things, but in education life appears in the critical events, key figures and critical period. Critical period in both because education integral environment change (such as the new curriculum reform) make the teacher was forced to Cheap Moncler change their education lifestyle "outer" critical period, also have a natural evolution of teachers' development and appear "inner" critical period (such as education practice, the assignment early and promotion period), and "personal" U.S.A. (such as domestic misfortune of body and mind caused by sudden etc). "The key incident" means "personal life of important events, the teacher must revolve around the Moncler Outlet event makes a critical decisions. It encourages teachers may cause teachers specific direction of certain behaviors to make a choice". Though the teacher of life to avoid mutations, but many more are the gradient. The sudden of education events are indeed critical events, and those who appear insignificant incident completely possible to its development has great far-reaching influence. Therefore, whether Moncler Sale education events judge a critical events and teachers' insights have direct relation. This judgment process is actually "by its triggered by self clarify process, personal thought biaxial streching process, is also the individual education concept, including teachers, teachers' professional structure construction &dissolution of". "The key figures" is for teachers' development profoundly, including him in as a student worship teachers, practice Discount Moncler when the guidance of teachers and influential colleagues, the headmaster, even for its produced change the student. In fact, teachers in vocational education into the early, he always with their Shared object and education behavior made consult. Put these developing "critical" recorded, not only for viewing and reflect on their development to provide information, and record for development of itself






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