Your computer has a disk larger than 512 MB. This version of Windows includes improved support for large disks, resulting in more efficient use of disk space on large drives, and allowing disks over 2 GB to be formatted as a single drive.
IMPORTANT: If you enable large disk support and create any new drives on this disk, you will not be able to access the new drive(s) using other operating systems, including some versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT, as well as earlier versions of Windows and MS-DOS. In addition, disk utilities that were not designed explicitly for the FAT32 file system will not be able to work with this disk. If you need to access this disk with other operating systems or older disk utilities, do not enable large drive support.
Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N)...........? [Y]
至于上面的询问内容说些什么,稍有英文功底的您我想你不会不知道了吧~!这里就不做详细的介绍了。简单扼要地说说主要的吧:这个FDISK是可供选择支持大硬盘分区并且如果你选择了支持大分区,那你将不能使用WINDOWS 95和WINDOWS NT系统或更早版本的WINDOWS系统或DOS。如果你要使用大分区的请选择:[ Y ]
那还用问吗?肯定选择YES [Y]了来支持大分区了吧~!,选择[Y]是FAT32格式分区。现在的硬盘都这么大而且软件等数据也越来越大了,难道你舍WIN 98/2000/XP不用而选择用WINDOWS95/NT不成?假如的猜想错了,那你还是选择[N]分为FAT16格式的来支持上面所说老掉牙的系统吧。下面我们就选择[Y]后来介绍吧:
FDISK Options
Current fixed disk drive: 1 //当前硬盘驱动器:1
Choose one of the following: // 选择下面任一项来执行:
1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive //创建DOS分区或逻辑DOS驱动器
2. Set active partition // 设置活动分区
3. Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive //删除分区或逻辑DOS驱动器
4. Display partition information //显示分区信息
Enter choice:[1]//输入选择:[ ]敲入你执行的选项前面的顺序号即可执行相应操作。
Current fixed disk drive: 1 //当前硬盘驱动器:1
Choose one of the following: // 选择下面任一项来执行:
1. Create Primary DOS Partition // 1.创建主DOS分区
2. Create Extended DOS Partition // 2.创建扩展DOS分区
3. Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition //3.在扩展DOS分区里创建逻辑DOS驱动
Enter choice: [1]
嗯,这就是创建DOS分区菜单了。我们现在手头上的一块全新的硬盘,当然我们是先为这块新硬盘建立主DOS分区然后建立扩展DOS分区了也就是我在Enter choice:里选择了[1],不难吧,呵呵:-) 敲入[1]后回车。
Set Active Partition
Current fixed disk drive: 1
Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System Usage
C: 1 A PRI DOS SPORTY 3072 FAT32 15%
2 EXT DOS 17408 85%
Total disk space is 20480 Mbytes
Enter the number of the partition you want to make active......: [1 ]
使用过已有分区的硬盘做重新分区的操作基本上跟全新的一样的,只是多了些步骤。重复上面全新硬盘分区的1至4步骤。假如你的硬盘所在的电脑是已经安装有系统98并且能正常启动运行的,这时你也可以在启动电脑进入 Windows 98之前按着F8键打开启动菜单选择5进入纯DOS模式。这时当看到A:\>或者C:\>提示符后键入命令FDISK,接着会出现如全新硬盘分区的第四步骤的询问信息,按这里就不再说了。同样的方法执行完毕上面的第四步骤知道第五步骤的显示信息。在上面的第五步骤的FDISK主选菜单中,选择[3]进入“3. Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive //删除分区或逻辑DOS驱动器”。删除分区的选择菜单如下:
Delete DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive
Choose one of the following: // 选择下面任一项来执行:
1.Delete Primary DOS Partition //删除主DOS分区
2.Delete Extended DOS Partition //删除扩展DOS分区
3.Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition //在扩展DOS分区删除逻辑DOS驱动器
4. Delete Non-DOS Partition //删除非DOS分区