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the emergence of class conflict and

已有 336 次阅读2011-1-29 15:31 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

will draw the conclusion of optimism. Because the traditional theory of socialism depends on remains one of the core cornerstone theories of non-public ownership is the traditional principle, which depends on the traditional direct the public ownership as the only socialist economic ingredients, even put it with and without directlVibram FiveFingers Bikilay with oligonucleotide, and socialist circumstances equate. However, what is happening is that this direct public ownership, not only in China but also in the world outside China in general are in the defense, retreat situation, the situation was very serious. At this time, the path through the traditional ownership theory to see tVibram FiveFingershe real world, the future of socialism is the inevitable result of anxiety-ridden, even for our own ongoing reform and opening-up choice will wipe with grey colour, doubt and despair. But, if use a new way of thinking, from new socialist ownership notion, that non-public ownership + indirect public ownership = directly, start thinkVibram Bikilaing, answer the questions, it would draw very contrary conclusion. First in China for theory. As mentioned previously, traditional public ownership of socialism is already a DuMuNanZhi trend, by private ownership replaced just a question of time. Since the reform and opening up, private ownership of the development of China really Five Fingers Shoesgreat role, but must also see clearly that the private ownership of development to the society life bring about many negative impacts. Apart from some frightful society phenomenon appearances and flood with the rise of private economy in time and extent displays obvious proportional is and convergence tendency to this point, he saiVibramd the private ownership of traditional evils -- production of chaos and anarchy, the gap between the enlargement and polarization, and the emergence of class conflict and rival produce, have already revealed clue in real life. Only some ills because our country special social historical precipitation restriction, there are no causeVibram Shoes irreparable damage, and go into extreme just. But some evils, such as widening inequality and polarization, and have sent us a signal of danger. According to the 2000 national bureau of investigation statistics, China's gini coefficient as high as 0.458, already exceeded internationally recognized 0.4 cordon. (21) experts speculatVibram Five Fingerse that henceforth a few years, China's gini coefficient still has the tendency of increase further. In contrast, after world war ii, the developed capitalist countries, the gap was gradually narrowing, such as Sweden and Britain, early in the early 1970s gini coefficient were dropped to about 0.25, (22) even always is recognized asVibram FiveFingers Speed a widening gap between rich and poor larger America, its gini coefficient in recent years has always maintained in 0.4 under and have further reduces the trend. Frankly, the disparity of widely different situation if can't change, in the long run, China will be difficult to confidently declared that socialism to capitalism, the adVibram Speedvan






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