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education". Small to us these former

已有 347 次阅读2011-1-29 15:43 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

tide" continuous created surprised the change, and every time is earlier, and then the farmers impact on just be recognized. If the family farm to a certain extent can be regarded as "traditional" small-scale peasant continuance, that "from scratch", from "three cent world one to occupy" barcap jiangshan "township enterprises, but Vibram FiveFingersalso any" elite "have failed to expect from the former. Also difficult to explain in the phenomenon. Yet when some wise after the event declared found "transcending western modernity" after the "urban civilization" and "new collectivism", farmers and to embrace of urban rapid privatization worker tide and the "XiangQi factory.the" Vibram Bikilamocked the these "discovery"... Obviously the Chinese revolution from the home of Chinese and western riddle cannot "book" (from our sages of ancient Confucian classics of contemporary western "frontier until proven") solution, only from the re-recognition on Chinese society deep to grasp. The "social deep" in ancient undoubtedly mVibram Five Fingerseant traditional village, but in modern also still in China, another 20 percent in 80% in1987 native population is rural society as the core. Then there is the "China the essence of the problem is about the farmers" this one long formulation. So for a long time, people to "the peasant problem" cannot call not attention. Face "the fVibram FiveFingers Bikilaarmer" such a vast and mysterious "object", people is not thought than it, and with "transform brillant farmer" to have any, is thought than its small, with "learning" as the volunteers to farmers. Big to "white knight" MAO zedong, yesterday he thinks "serious problem is education farmers", today again called on city to "accept pooVibramr farmers re-education". Small to us these former "educated youth", in today's memories literature in total from two tone: or bitterness hatred old model, the rural say very hugry; Or lyric nostalgic type, as if you remember the whole in the countryside, and licensee cross-flow audience.poor only. Many city residents still have sucVibram FiveFingers Speedh a kind of thinking habit: if they are so remote villages with occlusion was found in some considered different from "the city" thing, will assume that this is excavated of "traditional", and that the more remote more closed primary form in this country "traditional" will be more strong. The defendant mountain poles of the mai monFive Fingers Shoesism of movie is seriously reflects this city of rural view: it "ye" design poles in deep "mountain" in, the more mountains deeper, seems more can produce that don't know "knowledge", but pharaoh king of the ethical order of patriarchal clan moral authority and the elders autonomy. However investigate actually, no matter traditionalVibram Shoes age or today, rural self-government is concentrated patriarchal ethics exist in the plains, southeast coastal, more developed, merchandise economy a more active, open and suffer "westernization" the influence and suburban areas, rather than the mountains and the mainland, poverty, closed and belongs to ancient Chinese civilizationVibram Speed bi






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