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washing machines, camera

已有 366 次阅读2011-1-29 15:36 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

ional socialist public ownership. "Convergence" vigorous economy foundation should be indirect public ownership. Not only because indirect public ownership of socialization very tall, and extremely strong, toleration is well adapted to knowledge economy era production economization, decentralization, individuation development requeVibramst. This point of view can is established, the near future, social practice will give a clear conclusion. We choose the socialist road, and that is to choose right or the wrong answer? Socialism in China, what is the victory or suffered defeat? These problems, for from pre-liberation society, and carefully studied the history of moVibram Five Fingersdern history, young people, not present a problem. Since founding, our country has 42 years from RenSui semi-feudal and semi-colonial countries bullied powers, became independent, prosperity, plays an important role in the world's superpower. In the United States and Europe about Chinese, overseas Chinese feel most. In the past, thVibram FiveFingers Bikilaey like American blacks by nearly as racial discrimination, a war to resist, make white americans of Chinese, overseas Chinese sit up and take notice. China's atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and an arrow samsung's success, and to make Chinese people feel proud and elated, overseas Chinese. Look around 9.6-million-square-kilometer landFive Fingers Shoes, has a new face, can saying is changed days, changed. Our living standard improving year by year, especially after the third plenary session of the world, improve faster than expected. The past dream "four big" (watches, bicycles, radio, sewing machine) already not words, these years of economic statistical bulletin, even watches,Vibram Shoes radios and sewing output is also no longer only kind. In the past I have never thought of color TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines, camera, recorders, already in urban popularity. Even the Lhasa color TV penetration rate also reached 85%, with French as well. Socialist road. The right way, of course, But, as the opening, conVibram Bikilatacts with foreign expansion, "socialist road ShiBaiLun" but more spreadses more and widely, become the trend of bourgeois liberalization main arguments, and once made many people believe. China's "socialist road ShiBaiLun", who is the Chinese economic level, the living level and the most developed capitalist countries today than tVibram FiveFingerso the United States said china-us economic gap has 669 times, so said socialist failed. Ordinary people to see, the United States (and Japan and Western Europe) for working, travel, spend very responsible, lived in a large hotels, meals, and rode and shopping, the big money go toward outside tao, everyone like old Shanghai big capiVibram Speedtalists, But Chinese to America, it appears very cold Chen, an engineer January salary into dollars a day, still be inferior to American workers of high wages, than the United States unemployment workers brought relief also far worse. They found it hard to explain this gap, and then sigh with regret: China to follow the path of socVibram FiveFingers Speedial






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