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has more than $62 billion. Our

已有 381 次阅读2011-1-29 15:40 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

son, black market and rising dollar. Black market prices too high, $will pull state bank of foreign exchange rate, make the RMB exchange rate reduced. The world bank early detect the "exchange rate misalignment" problem, early found in using the "exchange rate method" (namely "the world bank chart sets method") to measure countriesVibram GNP brings biased. They are going to adopt the UN's new method -- "international comparison program method (hereinafter referred to as the ICP method)", also called "purchasing power parity law". The method is: list all the people need of 151 class 500 kinds of goods and services, with weighted average method to calculate the currVibram FiveFingers Bikilaencies in their own actual purchasing power (real currency), then press the currency (not exchange rates) will nationals of countries GDP converted to $number. The world bank has put this than P using the method in more than 60 countries, are not in the entire country apply, one is complex, there is a technical difficulty, 2 it is Vibram Bikilasome developing countries don't approve of switch ICP method. Because in the world bank, the per capita GNP400 under $countries, can enjoy preferential. In India, for example, in the traditional "exchange" method, India's per capita GNP only 246 dollars, convert ICP calculation method is $87.2, twice as much as $400 this line. JapaVibram Shoesn's per capita GNP, if switch ICP calculation method, then drop dramatically. Besides "the exchange rate misalignment", and industrial structure, different statistics caliber is different, also influence GDP calculations. The so-called "gross national product (GNP)," means a country residents in domestic and foreign production and Vibram FiveFingersservice combined. The western countries are output capital, in foreign (especially in the third world countries) has invested heavily, earn interest and profit; Increasing local GNP. For example, Japan in foreign investment as high as $350bn, 1988 income interest and profit for 811 billion us dollars, China exported products than sFive Fingers Shoesell much money (1990) has more than $62 billion. Our country in foreign investment is few, labor export growth is fast, income pay much. Our third industry (services) still very undeveloped. 1987, America's GNP, the first industry accounted for 2.1% (China accounted for 28.2%), the second industry accounted for 34.6% (China), the tVibram Five Fingershird industry accounts for a lifetime (46.2% 63.3% (China accounted for only 25.6%). Peasants to sell food, meat prices, our country higher than in the us (press 1 yuan equal 1 dollar calculate). Processed into food, especially the end in a restaurant table, the American price is far higher than in China. Americans buy made of foodVibram FiveFingers Speed to eat more (reflecting their life service level than our high), the food industry developed, increase the America's GNP. Housing expenses is an American sports in the United States, accounting for 20-30% of the family income. This is included in the GNP. Our country's rent is very low, only 1% of household income left there. I haVibram Speedd a






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