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state-owned enterprises accounted for

已有 357 次阅读2011-1-29 15:21 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

he economy is more active, where people would be more prosperous, where social cause will more development, where the government's financial condition is more abundant, resignations much less, the day will be better. Conversely, the public ownership composition more places, is another some adverse circumstances. Now, even the localVibram Five Fingers cadres in zhejiang said: in zhejiang officer easily, if not a nuisance go; Common people than government more intelligent, all know how to do better. Another according to the final phase of the south wind 2001 window reported: the end of last year premier zhu rongji and general secretary jiang zemin successively visited guangdong Vibram Bikilafoshan, as early as in the 1960s and 1970s is permitted to make commodity economy of rural sidelines personnel's existence, but to collective make money, The body is in "agricultural collective" public ownership but engage in industrial or commercial people become the earliest source of south China sea private economy, This throughVibram fee put on "mask" public ownership, obtain legal status of form also become nanhai "flexible" path of the source. In the 1980s, the form and copied to the business, private enterprises by submission fee, connecting the collective ownership enterprise, seeking enjoyment loans, land use rights, export quota, taxation, etc and collecVibram FiveFingerstive, state-owned these non-public enterprises treated equally, avoid countries on the private economic policy discrimination bring barriers. "Red hats" enterprise large appear. This "true private, false collective" enterprise throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, by nanhai government part-public creature support. From 1990 to 2000Vibram Speed, nanhai gross domestic product rose by 392,517 yuan for 3,387,619 yuan, almost tripled in the pearl river delta, the tigers also ranked by the third rise to second place. In 1993, in nanhai 200 billion in industrial output, state-owned enterprises accounted for only 1/4, But to 2000, more than 700 million in south China sea in indVibram Shoesustrial output value of the state-owned enterprise, insufficient still 1/14. Now, nanhai county city in China, created GDP, fiscal revenue, financial institutions deposits, urban and rural residents deposit balance and the whole society of electricity, social total retail sales of consumer goods in six first. (3) current, like nanhVibram FiveFingers Bikilaai, wenzhou that, through the development of private enterprise and make oneself become local economic and social development of villages and towns and counties, and cooperation.and in national and each provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions is not only to all have so a small group, and the amount is year after year is expanFive Fingers Shoesding fast. All this occasioned traditional public ownership feel now bear socialist economy foundation subject status is already ambition. Expected, repass short criterion 3 to 5 years, long is 6 to 10 years of development, China's socialist market economy to practice would indisputable facts show that traditional public ownership Vibram FiveFingers Speedof






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