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such as prescribed cars must own

已有 370 次阅读2011-1-29 15:25 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

re 30 years within the disciplinary right of land. The peasants acquire economic rights than countries and collective much, also benefit. Reform and opening up, the Chinese farmers' enthusiasm of early burst and agricultural labor productivity rapidly increase are mainly comes from this reasonable economic rights of institutional aVibram FiveFingers Speedrrangement. Because of this reality of existence, in simple Chinese farmers now, it seems, the rural land system, is actually private ownership, and theoretically, sums up the more accurate statement should be "indirect private ownership", at best, only "limited public ownership". This is certainly according to economic rights thisVibram FiveFingers Bikila new standard, with a new way of thinking to qualitative. This is a bright and dark private success stories. Let's follow focuses on Ming private dark male success stories, because this is discussed in this paper to the core problem. As is known to all, western developed countries are private ownership for economic subject, even liVibram FiveFingerske Sweden socialist ideological and deeply influenced by the state, the industrial enterprise of private enterprise still occupied 85%. (15) that is to say, these countries itself has not mastered what percentage of property ownership and possession, i.e. public ownership ingredients not much. But, in division, dominate the nationaVibram Shoesl income, they the proportion of but is more than the actual ownership and property possession ratio. For example, America's tax of the national income 38%, (16) plus 10% prohibited by private expenditure part (such as prescribed cars must own anti-pollution devices and similar expenditure), (17) the United States government usuallFive Fingers Shoesy can control the national income actual has nearly half or the half. The Dutch early in 1985 the national income often have GDP 51.7%, (18) to 1995, Denmark and Sweden only a tax, accounted for its GDP 51.7% and or 50.2 percent. (19) in 1995, five American economists of Swedish economy made investigation, the result to find out whVibram Five Fingersere the public sector expenditure of GDP over 70%. (20) in fact, now in most western developed country, private ownership and its ownership composition although has an absolute advantage, but can hold actual control of national income insufficient still half, the rest that more than half had to assign to the state and society dominVibram Speedated. The reason for causing this situation, in the final analysis, lies in these countries in fact through various channels, already in economic power level has more rights, otherwise, they may not enjoy so much, so big of material benefits. The western developed countries, particularly those of the northern Europe and western EurVibram Bikilaopean countries, and is mainly due to the effective use of the hands strong material means, just have the conditions are ideal to overcome the disadvantages of capitalism, and successfully carried out a series of socialist, even communism policies, such as medical treatment, endowment, disable security, basic education aspects has Vibrambas






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