



分享 为什么那么讨厌学校呢?》
torans 2011-2-25 12:36
1429 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 为什么那么讨厌学校呢?》
torans 2011-2-25 12:36
1513 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 学校学校..
torans 2011-2-25 12:35
1589 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 情人节计划
最后一片落叶 2011-2-13 23:08
今天在街上看到卖花的小女孩了。才领悟到快到2.14号了。。。。。 今年怎么过呢。。。。 唱只情歌给自己听,也算过节了吧! 忐忑 龚琳娜 啊哦 啊哦诶 啊嘶嘚啊嘶嘚 啊嘶嘚咯嘚咯嘚 啊嘶嘚啊嘶嘚咯吺 啊哦 啊哦诶 啊嘶嘚啊嘶嘚 啊嘶嘚咯嘚咯嘚 啊嘶嘚啊嘶嘚咯吺 啊 啊 ...
466 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 致 占有新闻联播一半时间的 大保定帝国!!
最后一片落叶 2011-2-3 10:00
大保定话“行喽呗?”,能火不能火不?河大派志愿者了,能火不能火不? 客运中心的票变的可好买了,那两个被握手的女工作人员可以提升了~ 你见过除北京以外哪个城市占新闻联播的二分之一么? 只有大保定帝国! 你来,或者不来,茗畅园都在那里~ 兴奋了,哇咔咔~
501 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 过年了~~
torans 2011-2-2 01:35
736 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 education". Small to us these former
xinshiji 2011-1-29 15:43
tide" continuous created surprised the change, and every time is earlier, and then the farmers impact on just be recognized. If the family farm to a certain extent can be regarded as "traditional" small-scale peasant continuance, that "from scratch", from "three cent world one to occupy" barcap jia ...
348 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 has more than $62 billion. Our
xinshiji 2011-1-29 15:40
son, black market and rising dollar. Black market prices too high, $will pull state bank of foreign exchange rate, make the RMB exchange rate reduced. The world bank early detect the "exchange rate misalignment" problem, early found in using the "exchange rate method" (namely "the world bank chart ...
381 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 washing machines, camera
xinshiji 2011-1-29 15:36
ional socialist public ownership. "Convergence" vigorous economy foundation should be indirect public ownership. Not only because indirect public ownership of socialization very tall, and extremely strong, toleration is well adapted to knowledge economy era production economization, decentralizati ...
367 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 the emergence of class conflict and
xinshiji 2011-1-29 15:31
will draw the conclusion of optimism. Because the traditional theory of socialism depends on remains one of the core cornerstone theories of non-public ownership is the traditional principle, which depends on the traditional direct the public ownership as the only socialist economic ingredients, e ...
336 次阅读|0 个评论

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