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in continental Europe a

已有 165 次阅读2010-12-21 10:58 |个人分类:Moncler| Moncler Outlet

in continental Europe a freely convertible unified credits, it may be said to go15. 3. The student financial assistance on the question of the difficulties Studying abroad need extra cost is listed as the primary disorder (affect flow has 61% of non-current students and 41% of flow students choose the), in those by "according to lars manasseh si" (at ERASMUS) Moncler project grants of students abroad body, this problem is more apparent. "According to lars manasseh si" student movement has funded from 1991 monthly 190 euro reduced to 2001 monthly 146 euros. In many countries, the current students in accordance with the "average accept lars manasseh si" funding even less. Since countries economic system and the welfare system is different, Nordic Moncler Jackets undergraduates in various ways fully obtained national funding, and in southern Europe, college students depend more on family financial aid. A European unification of student financial aid system not only in countries in finance as a burden, still can increase the gap between rich and poor students. On the one hand it causing inequality, on the other hand will also Moncler Vest those without additional sources of income students excluded. Although in ", mo "inside the plan", all countries have reached a consensus, floating students need not pay tuition, but in many other countries, is a different story, high tuition make students flow becomes more difficult. To realize the whole European college students free flow, appear premature. Four, European credit transfer system Moncler Coats development to Chinese education reform revelation 1. Credit swaps get universal recognition and attention After 20 years of development, European credit transfer system have won widespread concern and extensive attention, with the advent of knowledge economy, the European integration process accelerating, countries pay more attention to the development of education and exchange, credit swap as a tool of the education Cheap Moncler communication, is gradually in-depth education system in various fields. With European higher education structure tendency is consistent, European higher education system would be unified, unified European credit will become more realistic goal. Practice has proved, closed and low-quality education can't adapt to the trend of integration of education, only the initiative to adapt to it, to seek survival and development. Moncler Outlet We should fully realize credits in mutual recognition of national higher education, the importance of the communication process as an international education will credit swaps communication tool perfected gradually and adopted by us, this is a wise choice. Relative worldwide in intercollegiate credits, in a state of mutual recognition credit conversion is relatively easier. Therefore, we can from credits mutual Moncler Sale recognition swap theory, the paper discusses the problems of research how to better handle good credit transfer process in the relationship between the government and university, it also summarizes and referencing experience, trying to arouse the enthusiasm of each participating schools, promoting progressively international college credit swaps. 2. Credit swap in exploring in advance, has not been formed formula Credit Discount Moncler swaps the concept has been more than half a century of history, although have access to world the common recognition, but has not been formed a fixed pattern. Since countries political and economic development imbalance, and all conditions, each different, to form emotion officer officer is a kind of fixed unified credit swaps mode is almost impossible. But with the






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