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moral education behavior

已有 232 次阅读2010-12-21 11:01 |个人分类:Moncler| Moncler Outlet

moral education behavior of self control and moral evaluation ability. In fact, education conscience is able to put an educator shouldering the responsibility of self-consciousness, education is fully realize its education educators potential motivity. Two education conscience three-layer implication Xu shuo wen jie zi "explained in education:" teaching, had done, under the effect; also" "Nourishing, and adopted son that good Moncler also" [3]. Can be understood as "on the next, adults to children's an influence, the purpose is to make children into good and means is imitation" [4]. Why want to teach, to make the children into good? The moral education of Africanization by predecessors' research indicates that originated in education for the next generation of elder love and responsibility. In Moncler Jackets fact, without love and responsibility to offspring, education will be reduced to without purpose, indifference, void activities. Again, education ethics education fair is an important principle, it is justice value concept of education in the world of infiltration in education, and internalizes conscience, guidance and constraint education behavior and education activities and make it tend to justice. Education conscience contains Moncler Vest the benevolence, responsibility and justice heart. They supplement each other, that together constitute the abundant connotations education conscience. 1 ? benevolence Educators summer honour gai sir well said: "what is education of water? Is the sentiment, is love. Education without love, into the pool of water i-are, let you be square or circular too, always can't escape a void." [5] Moncler Coats lost love of education is mechanical and aloof education. In education system, educators and the educated in to the social life the adaptability and maturity aspects differ, both is separated the integration present, the separation and education activities exist differences is the premise, love is prompted education process smoothly, prompting educators and the educated affinity ability, the essence of education Cheap Moncler can be understood as with love for intermediary cultural transmission. In education activity, love will educators and pedagogue separation relationship to "we" relations, sharing spirit, knowledge, wisdom, meaning, etc, become a kind of interdependence and mutual coordination mind transfixion relationship. In fact, education as a purposeful and planned way, affect the person's social activities, only the love to pour into, Moncler Outlet individual development is possible, education conscience nature contained benevolence. Unfortunately, in education in reality, kindly purpose against yet enumerate: words invective, flesh corporal punishment, mind abuse, scores socialist, discrimination difference, etc., as education spirit of love be deeply lost. This already seriously hurt students of human dignity, and even more against the education the nature of good. In fact, as Moncler Sale education managers and policymakers, as country and government spokesman, their benevolence should display the education input to increase, ensure the quality of education resources for education, public opinion direction of adjustment, as well as to the improvement of the system of education. Their this subject's kindness is teachers love the realization of a powerful guarantee. Meanwhile, the teacher benevolence realization Discount Moncler of some subjective conditions: first, must have the lofty ideal of education. Firm ideal education is teacher's education practice guidelines, is the teacher "education of talents and fought an inexhaustible power." Secondly, do care type of teachers, this needs to the student life respect, of students' psychological world attention. Finally, the teacher speaking, ability of love is very important. Teacher






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