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still need in these

已有 193 次阅读2010-12-21 11:05 |个人分类:Moncler| Moncler Outlet

justice, still need in these respects efforts. In fact, education justice's goal is not to pursue the economic efficiency, but rather through to justice, the concept of the individual's appeal to finally make body and mind development in an all-round way. Impartiality is essential of have the heart of individual differences of educatees full potential and incline to perfect ourselves. Moncler In other words, the pursuit of individual's free and overall development is fair education conscience heart is also insist value orientation. Three education conscience significance The significance of education conscience primarily reflected in the education work, for educators to education object, the value of: 1 ? education conscience of education behavior its regulatory role Education is the system of social Moncler Jackets engineering. Any education process, always contain a variety of relationship, there exist various contradictions, and therefore need a macro-control mechanism, education conscience is playing this role. The educator education behavior choice before, education on behavior motive conscience undertakes checking, whoever meets education practice of moral standards of behavior motivation will be confirmed. In education practice process, education conscience can be Moncler Vest a supervision and control function. When compliance to morality, education conscience will be incentive and strengthening, promote educators continue this behavior, Conversely, will stop the continuation of wrongdoing. Education behavior over, education conscience will exercise "appraisal power" - evaluation educators behavior whether to conform to the moral requirement, whether education career and benefit education object. Confirm or deny the answer Moncler Coats that educators proud or shame, comforting or remorse. As a kind of moral education conscience self-discipline mechanism, make educators can rationally recognition and evaluation of behavior in the social consequences for education, promote the quality of the work. 2 ? education conscience ascension educators intrinsic value Education practice involving the human spirit and the value of life, education conscience bearing Cheap Moncler help and guide the educators worth inquiring, value judgment, value pursuit task. The educator in the process of education career choice, education conscience encourage and definite effect, support educators option and without values; In the face of setbacks and injustice, education conscience play soothing effect, make educators work on its own hold a non utilitarian or super utilitarian attitude. Educators Moncler Outlet in serving social creative activities but also embodies the ego value. Education conscience be personal happiness life and the intrinsic value of ascension power. 3 for the students to play ? education conscience example effect Russian educator WuShenSiJi said, teacher's personality for young heart, it's nothing can replace conducive to the development of sunshine, educators's personality is education undertakings of Moncler Sale everything. Because education is a person's business, education object is quite different in character, body and mind rapid changes of "people", so the educators in education for students guide and the spiritual world has profound implications. Educators are students important impact source, in the process, pursue good education conscience inspires educators further achieve spiritual purification and moral quality, the students Discount Moncler themselves sublimation of education plays a coming softly role. [to] pick individual teacher development, not only need a certain amount of time consumption, but more importantly the qualitative time input. Qualitative time is individual life quality of comprehensive characterization, it historic, individuality and stage. Critical events, key figures and critical period constitute the basic content of qualitative time, and therefore






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