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power political power Absolute power

已有 230 次阅读2011-1-29 15:10 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

e realistic reference historical experience rather than a figment of fantasy, acknowledged leader authoritarian necessity and legality, and on this basis to go again to them, lest the various restrictions effect will be much better. At least two pie in the province opposition democratic ideals and the reality, between dictatorial mVibram FiveFingers Bikilaainstreams tossed back and forth! From the perspective of human nature, only with extreme hatred and in the most brutal political battle environment, people will give up the natural free rambling style, obey the supreme leader driven, don't argue, phase endure for the party. In the seizure of peace after years, various harsh discipVibram Five Fingersline has lost reason to exist, people take for granted requires more political freedom and life to enjoy. In a calm, people will deprive during the storm command them through dangerous captain power. But for the great leader, it down with the rule of the reactionaries capture national regime, just walked the long march of the firstVibram Bikila step. Build a his ideal society, it is the most important. To achieve the ideal, more needs to grasp absolute power, so according to his own will and desire to shape everything. At the same time the great leader thinks, do ideological work itself is a work of danger, the trouble with the superfluous things. Because it means that (Vibram Speedto some degree) freedom of thought and character equality, contrary to strict discipline, and will lose leader's "divine power". If we lose ShengShaYuDuo the absolute power, won't honorific and absolute obey! Inner-party democracy with party for all party members including teaching supreme leader is always a binding, but a arguablyVibram FiveFingers the leader of the inevitable and conflicting and will break through these restrictions. The party congress is the party's highest authority, and in congress before cleaning ShiZaiBiRan, flat even opposition is not held five-yearly party congress. [10] The supreme reality power political power Absolute power is of overriding importVibramance and corrosion all ability. "Involved in politics is only the inevitable consequence of political theory and politicised, using violence conclusion is violence with violence universal supreme". [11] power this monster, once tasted head person blood and flesh of taste, don't eat to break belly up is will stay. Unwrap a Soviet soFive Fingers Shoesciety communist ideology coat, from the height of the world history, with worldwide interest relationship with the power structure analysis, all its behavior essence is a game behind in the most severely and national most cruel discipline from whole pursued advanced national JiangHangJun. [12] JiangHangJun need a tough-minded leadeVibram Shoesr with absolute power to execute the military discipline, therefore Stalin of cruel cleaning and to suppress the essence is -- unity of thinking, unified action, unified team, lattice kill all disobedience leader command of alien elements. If cannot from philosophy and the history of highly awakening to the cruel reality, or loss oVibram FiveFingers Speedf h






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