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don't really want to make democracy

已有 262 次阅读2011-1-29 15:18 |个人分类:vibram five fingers| vibram shoes

were hit with was cleaning revolutionaries, and actually and don't have a similar plan, this through 2005, not avenge zai distinctions. The Roman republic in late, dictators sura has lifelong dictatorship assert sovereignty in the third year, suddenly voluntarily waived all power, as a common citizen identity of withdrawing from tFive Fingers Shoeshe countryside. After his resignation, a young man was abused him face to face, surprise, the "half is the lion, the half is fox" Bob sura unexpectedly endured the young the reproach of men, but he said such a word, "the youth will make any future a master this authority who won't give it up." [17] The great leader in lushan duringVibram Five Fingers the meeting, in the upcoming showdown critical moment of suddenly decided to replace shelter and strengthen the guards, its inside nothing but is these things now. "King zhou of mismanagement, as is much also, is the gentleman in the world obscene, evil shall evil is how." [18] bites and destroyed people which can defend himself? VibramHaving been exercising the dictator's power, maliki dictator of the stigma, be fundamentalism sent to restore inner-party democracy reason to overthrow, even to kill, not impossible. Rebecca, teacher a famous, history has precedents, or for a rainy day, first mahlt zuerst it. Finally the extended to distort -- from "inner-party demVibram Bikilaocracy" to whole society of "great democracy" Reverse Stalin become ethos, some countries in certain people although critical leader worship, advocate collective leadership's conversation, but however is bad attitude. These people don't really want to make democracy, but to get rid of the leader's harsh supervision and control, theVibram FiveFingers Bikila leader play at the palm on, become acted upon the puppet, while waving his banner to seek the peoples. Since offering a democratic this pearl makes seal, great leader also can shine on a dozen not mistake, who could in theory, system and teaching on public opposition. So great leader finally came to a political mischief, and you wVibram Shoesill "inner-party democracy", I let you run into communism, to enjoy the highest form of democracy - big sound, large discharge, writing big-character posters and debate. This recruit indeed as expected have great power, Democrats have been whole frazzle, dying. Draw the lesson, the pain for example zai? Escape from disaster, survivVibram FiveFingers Speeded, just only repudiates leader dictatorship, perpetual end revolution. [abstract] in socialist economic basis must cultivate a kind of unique, fundamental distinction in capitalism, and enjoy the leading status of form of system of ownership, such ability from essentially distinguishes capitalism. However, in the socialist market Vibram FiveFingerseconomy condition, the traditional public ownership and private ownership cannot rival,, its main status of the lost is imminent. Indirect public ownership is a traditional public-ownership is and superiority of more public ownership of new form. We should use it to create a socialist market economy and win-win ideal situation. CouVibram Speednte






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