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migrant workers

已有 343 次阅读2011-1-6 09:41 |个人分类:juicy| Juicy Outlet

ut the model is a strong underlying assumptions: namely, to engage in agricultural production the Labour force factor has and land element and capital element fully combines. This point and the actual situation of China does not conform to, for example, DengXi lung research achievements of measure from our country from 2003 to 2006 annual production elements integrated rurJuicy Couture Handbagsal marketization average for 23.87% (DengXi lung, 2007), this is proof enough FeiJingHan -- he nice model in solving rural labor transfer limitations. (3) todaro's "the expected revenue" model The todaro think, rural labor transfer to the city's decision is based on the "expected revenue" maximization goal made this decision based mainly on urban and rural actual salary gaCheap Juicy Couturep and rural labor in the city to find jobs probability. Because of the rural labor force shift is according to the expected income gap between urban and rural area rather than make according to actual income gap between urban and rural area, so although cities also exist huge unemployment, rural population still continuously pouring into cities, caused the urban labor markJuicy Couture Bagset imbalance, make the unemployment problem more serious (todaro, 1999/1997). Thus, the todaro think, according to lewis' model take capital into a modern industrial department tilted industrialization strategy is not able to solve developing countries of rural surplus labor problems, instead should expand in rural employment opportunity, encourage rural comprehensive deveJuicy Outletlopment to narrow the imbalance between urban and rural employment and relieve rural population to the city to flow. Henceforth model can be found: actually rural labor force factor market and urban labor market factors exist great differences, two kinds of market not compatible with lead to serious problems rural migrant workers, this point with China's household registraJuicy Couturetion system under limited social structure of dual economy is in line. However, the todaro's "expected revenue" model proposed "expanded in rural employment opportunity, encourage rural comprehensive development" idea in China's actual operation is needed in such as "the household registration system, rural land property rights system, farmland contracting system", and othJuicy Couture Tracksuitser key issues solving based. Domestic literature review and enlightenment Domestic scholars on rural labor force elements of the study more ground combines the actual situation in our country, from rural to urban migrants scale expanding urbanization lags behind in urban and rural areas, and wage gap appeared the phenomenon of shortage of the coastal starting, first inspecJuicy Couture Charmsts the urban-rural policy formulation of the special system background. China's relevant urban and rural labor flow policy has been cities on the rural labor flow restrictions and management policy (SongHongYuan, 2004), and these reflect the relevant urban and rural labor flow policy inclination, is in city of city residents to protect their own interests and influence govJuicy Couture Sale







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