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已有 402 次阅读2011-1-6 09:46 |个人分类:juicy| Juicy Outlet

nited front has intelligence dense, scientific and technological personnel numerous advantages, many professional and research field and agriculture have direct or indirect contact. The united front should organize broad member makes thorough in remote areas and rural areas, carry out the decision consultation, talent development, project coordinator, investment promotion Juicy Couture Saleactivities, in order to promote local economic, cultural and social development play a positive role. According to statistics, since 1980s, the only each democratic centre, of the introduction of implementing agricultural technology demonstration projects 770 multiple, training of practical talents 60,000 people, the introduction of education funds 345 million yuan, introdJuicy Coutureuce the investment project nearly 1,200, capital 143 million yuan. If ZhiGongDang with hunan agricultural university, hunan provincial branch in recent years organizations "fluctuation linkage four fields" activities, invite brother party agricultural experts, such as LDK's rice experts, farmhands democratic tea processing experts, animal breeding expert professor in-depthJuicy Couture Handbags xiangxi, liuyan etc edge area, for farmer brother send agricultural practical technical documents, accept technology consulting, deeply farmer friends welcome. (3) into poverty alleviation, drive farmers poverty Eliminate poverty, and to realize the regional harmonious development, the construction of socialist new countryside is the inevitable requirement. In recent yearJuicy Couture Bagss, the nonpublic economy personages, using the funds, technology, management, marketing and brand advantages, AIDS LaoShaoBianQiong region economic development, adopt various production and operation organization form, to implement agricultural and other specialized production, scale management and seriation processing, enterprise management, driving the local industry, prJuicy Outletoduct structure adjustment, driving regional economic development, also spurs farmers poverty. Many nonpublic economy personages to change the backwardness of rural poor shoulder as their social responsibility, also as their career development wide space. For example, in view of fujian countryside as part of average income is in 1000 yuan the following, the provincial goveJuicy Couture Tracksuitsrnment in early 2003 poverty-stricken population plan for the deployment take about three years time, mobilize all social forces to help poverty alleviation hook. In order to match the provincial government of this work, the original provincial party committee and the standing committee of the deployment of provincial department minister, provincial brilliance of ChenYing Cheap Juicy Coutureofficer comrade writing, organization and personally initiatives launched fujian glorious member, federations executive committeemen participate in rural "one-on-one, help, so a" poverty relief activities, and the activity into the glorious cause category. The province over 200 private entrepreneurs to actively participate in the activities. In provincial, municipal and coJuicy Couture Charms







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