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已有 372 次阅读2011-1-6 09:42 |个人分类:juicy| Juicy Outlet

ernment decision-making mechanism formed (CAI etc, 2004). Migrant workers working off-farm, first encounter is employment discrimination or employment right inequality. Migrant workers not only deprived become urban state-owned enterprises and administrative units formal worker's qualification, but also from system being excluded from the city part jobs outside, this makesJuicy Outlet the migrant workers can only enter urban labor market "second" (JiangGuoBao, 2005), even so, as the city government faces laid-off workers to solve the urban employment pressure, these migrant workers is also facing any sacked fate (YuGong etc, 2006). Is the so-called "of rural surplus labor in the city remains", which is now urban and rural labor market prominent problemJuicy Couture Charmss - Labour market segmentation. For this kind of Labour market segmentation phenomenon, such as ZhangWenLong from technical and economic nature level is defined, think: wage contract nature of various labor market segmentation is the most important symbol of with equalitarianism, or relatively egalitarian basic features of all contract total called system within the labor Juicy Couture Handbagsmarket, has wage labor marginal products - the basic features of corresponding all contracts total called system outside the Labour market. Different wage contract of nature have a difference, called "institutional division of Labour market ZhangWenLong etc, (2005). In this institutional division, rural labor force to low wage and low cost of labor rights protection, can wCheap Juicy Couturein in the non-state sector employment competitive advantage. Thus WangDeWen believe that lead to the Labour market segmentation are the major factors: census register and by the household registration system caused by the pension, medical, housing, children's education and so on a series of social security system of urban-rural division, The limited amount of employment inJuicy Couture city, The labor market is perfect legal system construction and labor security supervision of the non-state sector (such as the lack of WangDeWen, 2004). In further discussed the Labour market segmentation, in the process ChenZhao, x. thinks that urban-rural policy more fundamental institutional factors is the city of urban and rural policy decisions unilaterally owns. PoJuicy Couture Tracksuitspulation is much and capital less historical conditions is causes of urban-rural important background. Also is so, with urban development in the accumulation of capital city, the production activities began to produce demand of rural labor, so the city's rules and urban and rural policy gradually in rural Labour into the control eased. This policy shift is the city of its Juicy Couture Saleown interest of the decision results, it improved urban welfare level. However, for improving the city migrant workers in urban population welfare level contribute, but also suffer from the city's discrimination, this discrimination also become cause urban-rural divide policy is one of the causes of the formation of ChenZhao etc, 2006 (); Instead, between urban and rural pJuicy Couture Bags







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