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resolving rural funds

已有 372 次阅读2011-1-6 09:44 |个人分类:juicy| Juicy Outlet

ice in the eleventh five-year plan of the implementation, building a new socialist countryside, as the next period united front around the center and serve the forward.main tasks, enhance the general situation consciousness, service awareness and consciousness, seeks the development of working ideas, and do our best to mobilize and use the united front in the field of resoJuicy Outleturces, participation and support, service new countryside construction. 2 and the united front work in the construction of socialist new countryside in the role (a) study visits, zhenhai Talent and intelligence dense is a major advantage of the united front. Play education, science, culture, sanitation from non-party intellectuals, experts, scholars, intelligence, and guidJuicy Couture Handbagse the united front broad members closely around the countryside ecological home construction, improving peasant production development capability, developing agricultural economy with characteristics, cultivating new farmers etc relates to the new rural construction of major issues, much make on-the-spot investigation, do more thorough research, offer more pragmatic policyCheap Juicy Couture, help the party committee and government scientific decision and democratic decision-making, and promote rural economic and social development. The democratic parties, federations and independents rural economic and social development, a series of major issues for extensive and in-depth investigation and puts forward many valuable comments and Suggestions. In recent yearsJuicy Couture Sale, the democratic parties central and local organization recommends the democratic parties, much is on promoting the development of agriculture and countryside, its content covers almost "SAN nong" questions all areas, both the macroscopic level of thinking, and has many operational strong specific Suggestions. For example, the central puts forward "meters society about thrJuicy Couture Bagsough a variety of channels nine-year compulsory education universal resolving rural funds difficult Suggestions", NongGongDang central puts forward "promote and perfect the new rural cooperative medical system suggestion", TaiMeng central puts forward "efforts to promote the western region of socialist new rural construction", ZhiGongDang central puts forward "about reformJuicy Coutureing the current agricultural technology extension system suggestion" etc, are subject to the CPC central committee and the state council highly, many have been adopted, produced a good economic and social benefits. In the basic unit, there are also many typical cases, such as hunan provincial party committee members, assisting Democrats hunan agricultural university profesJuicy Couture Tracksuitssor XuGuoQing comrade to hunan provincial party committee proposed in 2006 the strengthening and improving the hunan peasant training work proposal ", caused the hunan provincial party committee secretary and governor of highly, the proposal also get news media attention. (2) play intelligence resources, and promoting agriculture through science and technology innovation UJuicy Couture Charms







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